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Our fisrt PhD student, Hugo, succesfully defended his PhD! Congratulations for all the work during these 3 years and all the best for the future!
30/06-05/07/24: BOSS XVIII
Hugo had the chance to attend the BOSS conference and could present his PhD work!
12-17/05/24: SECO 61
Hugo had the oppurtunity to present his PhD work during the 61st SECO congress!
18/03/24: publications!
Last Hugo's PhD work has been accepted for publication in Eur JOC.
Moreover, our collaborative work with Dr A. De la Torre has been published in Org. Lett.
Congrats to everyone!
29/02/24: PhD candidate:
We are looking for PhD candidate to apply our doctoral school exam. If you are interested don't hesitate to contact us. For more information, check the "join us" page.
We are pleased to welcome May for her Master 2 internship. We wish you a nice time in the group.
16/01/24: 3rd Journée Demarçay:
During the scientific day of the IP Paris Chemistry Department, Shanshan could present her work on C-H activation with transient directing group.
We are pleased to welcome Lucile for her Master internship. We wish you a nice time in the group.
31/10/23: publication!
Our last work on naphtholactams (collaboration with Dr C. Giraud, University of Caen) has been accepted for publication in a special issue of Arkivoc in honour of Prof. Samir Zard. Congrats to everyone!
October 2023:
Our C-H alkoxycarbonylation of aromatic aldehydes was highlighted in Org. Chem. Highlights! Thank you Doug Taber.
21/08/23: Master 2 internship position:
If you fancy doing your Master internship in the group, don't hesitate to contact Dr Sébastien Prévost. For more information, check the "join us" page.
07/07/23: publication!
Our last review on transient directing group in C-H activation has been accepted for publication in Eur JOC!
13/07/23: LSO barbecue
As every year, all the LSO could partake a sunny barbecue.
27/04/23: publication!
Hugo PhD's work has been accepted for publication in Eur JOC. Congrats!
25/04/23: RCO 2023:
All the group enjoyed nice presentation during the "RCO 2023" and Shanshan could present her PhD work.
We are pleased to welcome He for her Master internship and Anissa for her Bachelor internship. We wish you a nice time in the group.
23/02/23: publication!
Shanshan first PhD's paper has been accepted in Organic Letters. Congrats!
We are pleased to welcome Julie for her Master 2 internship. We wish you a nice time in the group.
02-04/11/22: JCO 2022:
All the lab could enjoy the "JCO 2022". Sammy and Hugo presented their works during poster sessions.
27/09/22: 2nd Journée Demarçay:
The 2nd scientific day of the IP Paris chemistry department was held at ENSTA Paris. Hugo was able to present his PhD work as other PhD students of the department
14/09/22: Master 2 internship positions:
If you fancy doing your Master internship in the group, don't hesitate to contact Dr Sébastien Prévost. For more information, check the "join us" page.
11/08/22: Benjamin List Nobel 2021 celebration:
A chemistry symposium followed by an amazing celebration for Ben's Nobel prize. Happy to meet a lot of old friends!
05/07/22: Summer LSO barbecue:
Last week, all the laboratory could enjoy a nice barbecue under the sun!
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